Probiotics aren't enough: how to feed your gut microbes
By now you know that probiotics are good for you. If you’re a patient of mine, you’ve heard it ad nauseam - “Take your probiotics every day!” After working so hard to put good bacteria back into your gut, it’s important to know how to take care of it. You need to feed your gut microbiome.

Cold and flu prevention
The past two days, it seems like every patient has mentioned colds being passed around work, school, and home. It's a good time to be reminded of tips to prevent colds and flu - as we enter this flu season.

8 tips to mate: enhancing male fertility
As a naturopathic doctor and acupuncturist, I consider all the above factors, focusing on lifestyle, inflammation (oxidative stress), nutrition (antioxidants) and balance of Qi/blood/Yang in the body. Here are my 8 tips to mate:

Probiotics for IVF success and to prevent pre-term birth
It looks like you can now add two new reasons to take your probiotics everyday. Research has come out implicating bacterial composition in the outcomes of pre-term birth and IVF success from implantation to live birth.

Women's health: cervical dysplasia
Many female patients see us to address an abnormal PAP test, wanting to avoid further invasive procedures and/or to do something (rather than feeling helpless) while they wait for their repeat PAP 6 to 12 months later. Oftentimes these patients are extremely anxious, thinking of the worst case scenario ==> cancer.

I love turkey tail!
Many of my patients have heard me go on about turkey tail, not an actual turkey's tail but the turkey tail mushroom (or Trametes/Coriolus versicolor). In fact, I make every single one of my cancer patients watch Paul Stamets' (THE mushroom guru's) powerful TED Talk about mushrooms. You should too!

Acupuncture for labor support
Many times we get mamas-to-be who come in at 39....40....41+ weeks because they are approaching an induction date and want desperately to avoid a medical induction. Acupuncture is often mentioned as something that can help speed things along - and I've seen it to be quite effective (within 24 hours of treatment even!!!!).

Moxibustion for breech baby
In fact, acupuncture (well actually moxibustion) to turn a breech baby is quite successful! This is best done between weeks 32-37 when the baby is still small and mobile enough to move easily within the womb. One study in the UK found that women who did moxibustion were 2x more likely to turn their breech babies than those who did not do moxibustion.

Vitamin D: why it's essential for all of us especially during pregnancy
Today's post is relevant to all of us. I was just reminded by a patient of mine that she was looking for recommendations on vitamin D and that I haven't even blogged about this super trendy topic. It's especially relevant because vitamin D is essential for immunity - which I am doing my best to keep boosted during pregnancy.

The beauty of gray? Not yet (please)
I tell people that aging is a natural process but it's not so cool when it happens to me. Sooo, let me tell you.... I have been noticing more gray hairs recently. Not just the 2 or 3 strands I used to occasionally see. (Yes, I know, the old wives' tale about not pulling grays or a hundred will grow back.) At the rate I'm pulling my grays out, I'll be bald soon!! I realize I'm being a really vain. But I see this as an opportunity to do some experimentation (on myself). If it helps a little, great! If it doesn't, I'll age gracefully (or find a great natural colorist).

Summer: water, sunscreen, and more...
This year, summer officially starts on June 21st (Summer Solstice in the Northern Hemisphere), when the earth tilts maximally towards the sun. But we, Americans, have marked summer as the time period flanked by two US holidays -- Memorial Day and Labor Day.

Give up gluten?
One of my patients whom I've turned gluten-free told me about this article in the WSJ: "Giving Up Gluten to Lose Weight? Not So Fast". Thanks J! So I thought I'd comment on it. First, I think it's a great article and am happy that the WSJ is reporting on this topic, even mentioning "leaky gut", which naturopathic doctors harp about.

Generally I sleep well. I'm the girl on the airplane who is drooling before takeoff and stays that way till landing. 99% of the time, I'm asleep within 5 minutes of my head hitting the pillow, but when insomnia hits, I'm up all night. It's just past 3am now, and I've been trying to get to sleep for the past 5 hours.....

Acupuncture and depression during pregnancy
It is estimated that 10-20% of women struggle with depression during pregnancy, which is supposed to be the happiest time of a woman's life. So, what options do these women have? Prescription antidepressants? There is increasing concern that prescription drug treatment may harm the developing fetus.

Welcome to my blog: my thoughts on healthy fats
Recently I met other holistic health practitioners in NYC at a health fair. They maintained blogs and mentioned the usefulness in doing so. So I'm succumbing to the World of Blogging. I hope to post useful information and my thoughts of health issues that come up. I encourage you to log on and post comments. Please feel free to ask me questions via the blog or via email at serena@serenitynaturalhealth.com. Welcome and enjoy!!