Cold and flu prevention
The past two days, it seems like every patient has mentioned colds being passed around work, school, and home. It's a good time to be reminded of tips to prevent colds and flu - as we enter this flu season.

Women's health: cervical dysplasia
Many female patients see us to address an abnormal PAP test, wanting to avoid further invasive procedures and/or to do something (rather than feeling helpless) while they wait for their repeat PAP 6 to 12 months later. Oftentimes these patients are extremely anxious, thinking of the worst case scenario ==> cancer.

I love turkey tail!
Many of my patients have heard me go on about turkey tail, not an actual turkey's tail but the turkey tail mushroom (or Trametes/Coriolus versicolor). In fact, I make every single one of my cancer patients watch Paul Stamets' (THE mushroom guru's) powerful TED Talk about mushrooms. You should too!

The beauty of gray? Not yet (please)
I tell people that aging is a natural process but it's not so cool when it happens to me. Sooo, let me tell you.... I have been noticing more gray hairs recently. Not just the 2 or 3 strands I used to occasionally see. (Yes, I know, the old wives' tale about not pulling grays or a hundred will grow back.) At the rate I'm pulling my grays out, I'll be bald soon!! I realize I'm being a really vain. But I see this as an opportunity to do some experimentation (on myself). If it helps a little, great! If it doesn't, I'll age gracefully (or find a great natural colorist).