Acupuncture and depression during pregnancy


It is estimated that 10-20% of women struggle with depression during pregnancy, which is supposed to be the happiest time of a woman's life. So, what options do these women have? Prescription antidepressants? There is increasing concern that prescription drug treatment may harm the developing fetus.

Well good news! Research from Stanford University, published in the March issue of "Obstetrics & Gynecology", shows that acupuncture reduced 50% of depressive symptoms in pregnant women who were previously diagnosed with major depressive disorder. The women in this study were anywhere from 12-30 weeks pregnant, and were given treatments 2x per week for 4 weeks, then weekly for 4 more weeks, totaling 12 treatments over a course of 8 weeks. Looking at the study, it was quite well-designed with a treatment group, acupuncture specific for depression, and two control groups - 1) acupuncture not related to depression, and 2) prenatal massage. The women in the treatment group had a greater decrease in symptom severity and greater response rate. Here is the link to the study: Acupuncture for Depression During Pregnancy.

In this study, treatments had minimal verbal communication, no counseling, no dietary advice, no background music during treatment, and no Chinese herbs. All of which are included in an appointment with me (and other practitioners). I would think that all that would further improve treatment outcomes.

In Chinese medicine, we talk about congenital qi -- the qi that we are born with. This comes from our parents and is formed at conception. It is thought to be affected by just about everything -- emotions of parents at conception, nutrition during gestation, exposures to toxins while in the womb, and most certainly, the mother's mood during pregnancy.

Untreated depression in pregnancy can contribute to: preeclampsia (a condition of high blood pressure during pregnancy), poor weight gain, and even suicide. A recent London study has even found a link between depression during pregnancy and antisocial behavior in kids (Depression During Pregnancy Linked to Kids' Behavior Problems).

Acupuncture is safe, nourishing, gentle, and even helps with other aspects of pregnancy (pain, nausea, etc). With few options for depressed pregnant women and the potential consequences, if left untreated, it's great news that acupuncture is (and I quote the researchers) "a viable treatment for depression during pregnancy."




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