Women's health: cervical dysplasia
by Serena Ma, ND, MS, LAc
I marched the Women's March on NYC this past Saturday because many issues that are important to me are being threatened.
Women's Health. Universal Health. Nondiscriminatory Healthcare. Just to name a few.
Planned Parenthood and the Affordable Care Act ensure that all women have access to affordable healthcare and screenings without discrimination. As a woman in healthcare, it's a no-brainer that women's health is important to me. Although my services are not covered by insurance or federal funding in this state {naturopathic doctors need to be licensed in New York as physicians first (yuck more politics)}, I do offer women alternatives for health, empowering women to take control. I hope to better educate women about their bodies and the proper care of.
Many female patients see me to address an abnormal PAP test, wanting to avoid further invasive procedures and/or to do something (rather than feeling helpless) while they wait for their repeat PAP 6 to 12 months later. Oftentimes these patients are extremely anxious, thinking of the worst case scenario ==> cancer. Please rest assured, if women are getting screened according to the guidelines, there is no need to be too alarmed. Once cervical changes are detected, it takes 10 to 15 years before cancer develops.
I don't believe this is a 'watch and wait' scenario. There is a lot you can do to optimize your health and lower your risk by working with a naturopathic doctor.
Most cervical dysplasia (abnormal PAP) results are of undetermined significance ACS-US. And, the most likely cause is HPV (human papilloma virus). Only two types (16 and 18) are responsible for most (70%) of cervical cancers.
HPV is a virus with no treatment. Your body rids of it on its own - most women should clear in within 2 years, dependent on immune status. A highly controversial vaccine (Gardasil) is available, but I don't often recommend this since there are too many risks involved.
As a naturopathic doctor, when I see a patient with cervical dysplasia, I consider many things before making a recommendation: the level of dysplasia, HPV status, risk factors, and overall health.
HPV - if positive, emphasis is to strengthen the immune system to rid the virus. Strengthening the immune system (considered part of Qi in Chinese Medicine) considers digestion (food, probiotics), stress management, vitamin D levels, and co-infections.
Turkey Tail Mushroom - this enhances immunity and has been shown to be effective against HPV and regressing dysplasia.
High Dose MTHF (methylfolate) - this is the active folic acid which is needed for healthy cell division.
Indole-3-Carbinol (I3C) or Cruciferous Vegetables - I3C is a compound found in cruciferous vegetables which prevents abnormal cell growth and inhibits tumor growth.
Antioxidants - such as coQ10, vitamin E, vitamin C, beta-carotenes, green tea extract to prevent oxidative damage (abnormal cells)
High Dose Multivitamin - to correct any nutritional deficiencies.
Healthy Lifestyle - smoking, poor nutrition, and the long-term use of oral contraceptives are all risk factors, whereas proper stress management, exercise, and enough sleep optimize overall health and immune function.
Chinese Herbs and Acupuncture - Chinese Medicine is very effective for cervical dysplasia. With Chinese Medicine, I recognize patterns or disharmonies and use acupuncture needles and/or herbs to correct these. For instance, HPV is seen as pathogen which could cause stasis of damp-phlegm and underlying stagnation and deficiencies can contribute to the disease process. Again, proper diet and lifestyle is also emphasized.
Topical Treatment - in New York, escharotic treatments are not available by naturopathic doctors but I can guide you with other effective options.
If I learned anything from the Women's March, it is that inaction yields unwanted results. Yes, I know effort/action can also yield unwanted results...but to step up and to do something about the situation is empowering and surely increases the chances of a favorable outcome...so I'll take that. :-)