Pricing Changes Update - Effective January 1, 2023

It has been 4 years since I’ve raised my rates (which I try to avoid doing), but as we all know - a lot has happened in the past 4 years!!

Since the COVID pandemic, I’ve added more time between appointments to avoid too much overlap and to give me time to properly sanitize my treatment room before my next patient. Also, there are rising costs.

Effective January 1st, my pricing will be:

  • Initial Naturopathic Visit (90 minutes) + followup later (30 minutes) - $425

  • Followup Naturopathic Visit - no change

    • 30 minutes - $120

    • 60 minutes - $180 (for new issues and/or we have not met in 1+ years)

  • Initial Acupuncture Visit (90 minutes) - $225

  • Followup Acupuncture Visit (60 minutes) - $160