Naturopathic Medicine
Naturopathic physicians are trained in all aspects of family and primary care and are primary care physicians in licensed states. We utilize vitamin and mineral supplementation, herbal remedies, homeopathic remedies, physical medicine, hydrotherapy treatment, and nutrition.
In the US, naturopathic physicians are licensed or registered as health care providers in 22 states, the District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico. New York State does not currently have a law licensing naturopathic physicians, but there is strong effort underway to pursue licensure which is expected to occur in the near future. Due to the absence of licensing laws in New York, I cannot diagnose or treat diseases as a physician but rather am a naturopathic health consultant. I attended an accredited 4-year naturopathic medical school, passed board exams, and am licensed in Vermont as a physician.
These are the six principles of naturopathic medicine and how I approach each one of my patients:
The Healing Power of Nature
The body is ordered and intelligent, therefore I identify and provide suggestions to remove obstacles to cure and to help facilitate this natural healing ability.
Treat the Cause
I identify and assist you remove the underlying causes of illness.
First Do No Harm
I utilize methods and substances which minimize the risk of harmful side effects.
Doctor as Teacher
My favorite role is to educate the patient and encourage self-responsibility for health.
Treat the Whole Person
I treat the individual by taking into account physical, mental, emotional, genetic, environmental, social and other factors.
I emphasize disease prevention by assessing risk factors to disease and suggest appropriate interventions to prevent future illness.